The Hivery Membership

Don’t Create Your Next Chapter Alone. 

Get The Mentorship, Accountability, And Community You Need

Does this sound like you?

As a solopreneur, writer, or creative, your confidence has taken a beating these past few years.

You’re not sure if you’re burnt out, overwhelmed, or unfocused (maybe all three).

You’re waiting for milestones - when you make more money or when your kids are older or when there’s more time or when things slow down!

You’re new-ish to running a business or writing a book and are looking for your community, or simply want to be more visible in your work.

You feel you are too this or too that! Too old, too busy, too late. It’s been done before. Or you don’t have the skills you need.

It feels hard to make time and space to really dig in and grow your business while you’re juggling everything else you care about.

You used to be more confident. You used to see the path ahead. You used to make a plan and then make it happen!

That deeper yearning inside is telling you that there’s something more you were meant to do. You’re not just trying to survive with your work; your goal is to thrive. And, you can.

You can do this and the time is now!

You have the talent and expertise

to create the business

and the life you love!

Your wisdom and experience is hard-earned and comes from all areas of life. From career setbacks and successes. From personal battles lost and won. From caring for loved ones, overcoming obstacles, and standing up for what you believe in.

You know you want to do something that matters, you know you can help people, but, you’re not always sure of your next step.

Whether you’ve been in business for years or are just dreaming up your business idea, every day is an opportunity to move closer to the freedom, autonomy, and satisfaction of creating a business you love.

One that has meaning. And one that harnesses your unique mix of experience, wisdom, resilience, and passion.

You can build a business that matters, feels like the real you and (finally) works in your life.

I’m Grace Kraaijvanger — founder of The Hivery and host of the podcast, The Art of What’s Next.

I’ve inspired and nurtured over 8,000 women in their personal and professional journeys. The Hivery has helped women in all kinds of ways, and now, we’re reaching for new heights.

My mission? I’m relentlessly committed to helping you create your next chapter.


I’ve been in your shoes. I’ve been in the brand-new stage of building a business, in the roller coaster ride of pivoting, and in the nerve-wracking (yet exhilarating) stage of pushing myself to be more visible and share my wisdom. I’ve considered quitting and persevered. I’ve made strategic shifts and spontaneous ones, too. I get you.

If you’re struggling to get your business off the ground or to the next level, yearning to play bigger, speak onstage, start a podcast, write a book, finally monetize your passion, or give yourself time to seek and be curious about what you’ll do next… YOU CAN DO IT.

There’s a new chapter for you that’s coming to life — will you go towards it or will you stay where you are?

This is your what’s next.

You can create a next chapter of meaningful work that you love. 

You can align your life with that deeper yearning you have inside. 

You can make money doing work that you care about.

You just can’t do it alone.

Which is why, I’m thrilled to announce something I’ve been working on all year…


Mentorship, Accountability, & Community With Grace Kraaijvanger

We’re taking the concept of membership to the next level. Because who wants to network the old way?

Momentum Lab is the mentorship you crave and the accountability you need. With community that lifts you higher.

It’s the tools and resources required to build a business, write a book, monetize your art, or create your next chapter.


Join me, Team Hivery, and my network of talented and generous experts who are just as committed to your success as you are. From group coaching to personalized support, we’re on the path with you!


You can do exactly what you’ve been yearning to do with consistent steps forward. We are here to support you in staying accountable to the actions that support your dreams.


Join a community fueled by inspiration, accountability, mentorship, and connection, dedicated to giving you more visibility as you create your next chapter of meaningful work.

Momentum Lab is supportive accountability, kind and insightful mentorship, surrounded by a creative and encouraging community of wisdom-filled women who want to see you succeed. 

It’s your community help desk when you don’t know how to do something. 

It’s your support network when you feel alone in your work. 

It’s your ecosystem of trusted collaborators, partners, vendors, and even clients. 

It’s a place where we use our collective skills, knowledge, wisdom, and talent to lift each other up. 

It’s your community of mentors (aka the coaches in your corner) who hold you accountable to your goals. And, together, celebrate your victories. 

After ten years of relentlessly helping women build businesses, write books, and create meaningful work, I am integrating a decade of learning, content, luminaries, tools, classes, and connections to create a collective gathering place and program focused entirely on moving you toward a clear, prosperous, and rewarding next chapter. 

A business that is not just your work, but aligned with your purpose


“The Hivery truly is a special place that has helped me move forward as a business woman, an entrepreneur, and an artist”


“The Hivery empowers women to express their deepest selves in collaboration with one another. It is a place where every voice is valued and each idea has’s truly magical!”


“At The Hivery, I get the support and structure, and in addition, there’s room for play and joy.”


“Being part of the Hivery is like plugging into an electric current of inspiration, support and community.”


Momentum Lab Members Will Experience
Part Mentorship, Part Accountability, Always Community.
But There’s So Much More…

With The Hivery Momentum Lab, you’ll get in-depth teaching from me, Grace, along with the limitless wisdom of The Hivery community.

I have refined my business and overcome multiple roadblocks (hello, pandemic!)  since starting The Hivery over a decade ago and I am sharing every strategy and resource that has worked for my business (and life) with transparent lessons so you can learn from what worked and skip the pain of what didn’t!

Plus, you will have access to the templates, systems, and initiatives I use in my business (and personal life) so that you can use them in your own.

Momentum Lab is all about consistent committed movement towards your next chapter which is why each month we focus on a specific aspect of your business.

Here is a sneak peak at our Momentum Lab Method!



In order to make an impact for the people you want to help, you need to be crystal clear on how you deliver your genius. You’re not selling what you do. You’re selling how your clients will feel after they work with you. We go deep on key elements such as identifying unique messaging, pricing, and effective marketing strategies to convey transformation.



When building a business, you want to be able to share your journey in an authentic and relatable way that captivates your audience and strengthens their know, like, and trust factor with you. We guide you through effective storytelling techniques to create a compelling narrative that resonates and deeply connects with your ideal clients, leading to loyal customers and consistent revenue.


December: Get Organized

January: Own Your Value

February: Plan for Success

March: Market Like a Pro

And More: Create Loyal Fans, Find Your People, Sell Without the ICK, Bring In Your Best Customers, Get Clear On Your Vision, Discover Your Audience!

Join now to get access to the the full Momentum Lab curriculum featuring a new theme each month.

Women have been doing the impossible for centuries. Wearing all the hats. Caregiving for everyone but you. Putting careers on turbo, then on hold. Pivoting like crazy in changing work environments, and fighting systems that aren’t built for us. 

We’re told we were too young, then too old, too inexperienced, too experienced, too this and too that. 

As I watched women face ageism, struggles to return to work after a pause, pay inequity, financial pressures due to layoffs, illness, or divorce, and workplaces that weren’t built with us in mind, I became relentlessly committed to helping women create a next chapter of meaningful work on their terms, often through entrepreneurship, thought leadership, or turning their expertise into their autonomous work. 

I’ve been featured in Entrepreneur, Domino, and USA Today, and I’ve spoken on countless stages as an expert in women’s empowerment, building authentic community, and women in business. 

I believe to my core that women can create businesses that matter to the world, that value our wisdom, help others, honors our time, and finally feels like us.

… and that’s exactly what we teach and cultivate inside Momentum Lab.


The Hivery Founder & CEO

When You Dive Into Momentum Lab
Here’s What You’ll Find…

💛 The Hivery Momentum Lab CurriculumEach month of your membership experience has a theme, with lessons and concrete action steps that will help you move forward in an atmosphere of supportive accountability. After years of studying what concepts solopreneurs need the most, our proprietary Momentum Lab curriculum is designed with the essentials you need to streamline and grow your business.

💛 Monthly Masterclasses with Grace: Grace goes live each month to teach an in-depth masterclass on that month’s theme with plenty of time for questions. You’ll learn entrepreneurship, writing, mindset, and productivity lessons straight from Grace—so you can create actionable momentum, milestones and rituals toward consistent, purposeful and profitable growth.

💛 Monthly Office Hours and Live Coaching With Grace: Join Grace for a dedicated time solely focused on nurturing your business, moving your goals forward, assessing what's working and what you want to improve, and using your time and energy wisely. This is your opportunity to get real time group coaching and feedback from Grace while you reflect, plan, and move toward your goals. 

💛 Guest Expert Masterclasses: We are dedicated to nurturing your growth, including bringing you Grace’s network of guest experts and mentors. Our Guest Masterclasses are meticulously curated to bring you top-tier experts in business, writing, productivity, finance, creativity, and more. These sessions are designed to leave you equipped with actionable steps to conquer your goals.

💛 Accountability & Planning: It’s easy to get overwhelmed and distracted, right? We hold each other accountable with monthly projects of focus and share our three most important tasks for the week in support of our goals. The community will cheer you on and hold you accountable in the most supportive way. Plus, we gather every 90 days for a member-wide planning session. When we are intentional with our time, our best life awaits!

💛 LIVE Co-Working Sessions: We wrote the book on coworking, and we know how to make these sessions productive and energizing. You’ll work alongside other Momentum Lab Members all over the globe in real time as we share what we’re working on and check-in on progress. Write that proposal. Work on your bio. Send the query letter to a literary agent. Do the hard things. Do the nagging things. We’ll get them done (together).

💛 Community & Networking: You shouldn’t have to grow your business, book, art, or meaningful next chapter on your own. Our private community is available for you to connect, grow and celebrate together. We believe in intentional networking, which includes sharing feedback, asking for help, promoting your upcoming events, hosting casual member meetups, asking questions, sharing resources, and more. And unlike other communities, we encourage you to promote your work and celebrate your wins.

💛 Kickoff Party and Welcome: You didn’t think we were going to throw you into the community to figure it out, did you? No way. The Hivery is kindness-filled from the very beginning. You’ll start your journey with a warm welcome, a tour of all Momentum Lab has to offer, time with Grace and The Hivery Team, and an opportunity to meet your cohort.

💛 The Hivery Masterclass Library: Unlock the Masterclass Library—full of recorded workshops, how-to classes with industry experts, and interviews with some of your favorite founders & luminaries like: Diane von Furstenberg, Cheldin Barlatt Rumer, Radha Aggrawal, Lynne Twist, Dr. Tererai Trent, and Tara Mohr. 

💛 The Hivery Hub: We share the same templates that The Hivery runs on, making your growth and momentum easier and faster. Every month, you’ll get new templates and resources to get you streamlined and organized. 

💛 PLUS, this is the way to get ongoing mentorship with Grace, The Hivery Team, and our extraordinary network of women founders, writers, creatives, and thought leaders. Grace and the people she trusts will be your support squad, friendly advisors, and encouragement team.

There’s something very special (dare I say, magical) that happens when a founder, writer, artist, or thought leader joins Momentum Lab.

They get the supportive accountability they’ve been craving, the authentic connection with other women who are creating their next chapters, and the collaborative energy it takes to actually grow. 

I used to promise myself that I’d write down every story of collaboration, friendship, new business ventures, new clients, collaborations, book deals, and partnerships that came out of The Hivery community.

Until there became so many that I couldn’t keep up. 

Inside The Hivery Momentum Lab, our community is creative, kind, vulnerable, and not afraid to ask questions and share expertise. 

We are building meaningful connections daily that help to clarify, advise, grow, and cultivate the next chapters of our community. 

  • Businesses become more profitable. 

  • Books get published. 

  • Solopreneurs find new clients.  

  • Passion projects become viable businesses.

  • Lasting friendships are made.

  • Brilliant women become more visible.

This community that is centered in kindness also leads to BIG results.


Join Momentum Lab Now

most flexible


per month

✨ most popular ✨


for 6 months


join in September to receive

a FREE 30-minute 1:1 mentorship session with Grace!

Is Momentum Lab for You?

The Hivery Momentum Lab is for women creating their what’s next (with intention)…

It was designed for solopreneurs, writers, creatives, coaches, consultants, healers, speakers, business-minded artists, freelancers, and thought-leaders. If you are ready to share your wisdom and talent in a next-level capacity, well then my brilliant friend, Momentum Lab is for you.

Most importantly, if you’re tired of trying to figure it out alone, we’ve got you.

You are just who we had in mind when designing Momentum Lab if…

✔️ You are craving clarity and the decisiveness to prioritize what to do next.

✔️ You need support to stay focused on your goals and help when you get distracted or feel overwhelmed.

✔️ You want to feel a true sense of belonging among a like-minded community to share business and professional resources, moral support and practical advice.

✔️ You value an ecosystem-style community that can be each other’s clients, friends, vendors, partners, mentors, funders, accountability partners and even sometimes co-founders. In other words, you get the power of the hive!

✔️ You want to live and build a business that aligns with your values.

✔️ You don’t want to do it alone.  

If that’s you, YOU belong in Momentum Lab.

Momentum Lab is NOT for you if:

❌ You want results instantaneously. We don’t believe in get-rich-quick schemes as we know they won’t work. Viable businesses require commitment, accountability, and perseverance.

❌ You are a taker. If you use communities to promote your own work, but you are not willing to cheer other people on, this isn’t your spot. We want members who love encouraging others as much as they love showing off their own work.

❌ You want us to get you out of bed and do the work for you. Momentum Lab won’t work if you don’t show up. This means setting aside a tiny bit of time each week to get engaged and be reciprocal and positive in your energy. If you’re the sort of person who doesn’t get involved and then expects a big result, this won’t be a good fit.

TLDR? Momentum Lab is designed to help you learn and grow as you create your next chapter.

  • The Hivery Changed My Life

    “I had an idea in my head that would just not go away. But I kept pushing it back down. "It's too risky. You're too old. It won't work." So in a final effort to move forward or abandon the idea once and for all, I joined the Hivery.

    Exactly one year later, I've launched another company and my digital workshop is live. My book (the idea that wouldn't go away) will launch later this year. I joined the board of the company of one of the other participants, and I made deep friendships with a group of incredible women who I trust completely.”

    - Laura Z

  • “Everybody should join The Hivery immediately.”

    -Lynne Twist

    Best-selling author and recognized global visionary committed to ending world hunger, empowering the status of women and girls, supporting social justice, and environmental sustainability.

  • This is the resource you need to stay focused and creative in your business.

    “At The Hivery, I get the support, structure and in addition, there’s room for play and joy. Grace is like an intuitive, so if we need to switch off the structure to get into play-mode, then we do that, and then we are better able to then pick up the work.”

    - Dr. Sheree S

  • I’ve felt the power to create something new

    “Being in a group with such an exciting and inspired group of women is amazing. I’ve really felt the power to create something new and exciting in my life.”

    - Kristen L


Join Momentum Lab Now

most flexible


per month

✨ most popular ✨


for 6 months


join in September to receive

a FREE 30-minute 1:1 mentorship session with Grace!

It doesn’t take long to make connections and see results from The Hivery’s Momentum Lab.

…even if you are just getting started or don’t have your first client. We will help you put yourself out there!

Whether it’s:

  • Building your solo or consulting business.

  • Writing your book.

  • Becoming a thought leader, coach, or speaker.

  • Turning your passion into your work.

With The Hivery Momentum Lab, you’ll be guided by Grace Kraaijvanger, founder of The Hivery, as you learn and grow alongside a community of women solopreneurs, writers, creatives, coaches, and consultants. 

Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!

  • What makes us different is our kind and encouraging approach alongside the accountability and commitment you’re craving. This membership program is for those who are serious about making progress.

  • Our live sessions are recorded and ready for you in our Hivery Momentum Lab HQ. While we encourage you to attend as many as you can (the more you put in, the more you get out), you’ll never fall behind as everything that happens live is stored for you to enjoy on-demand. 

    Most of our live sessions and classes are held on Tuesdays at 12 pm pt. You'll have the calendar at a glance months in advance so you'll be able to carve out time.

  • Momentum Lab membership is $995 for 6 months {payment plans available}.

  • We have studied what works and what doesn't and we know for sure that (a) consistency matters and (b) creating impactful change takes time. When people flit in and out of a membership, it changes the vibe for everyone, so we're protective of the ones who are truly committed. If you're going to invest in yourself, go all in. You won't regret it and you'll find that you show up differently (and make a ton more progress).

  • That’s up to you! We know you’re busy, but you’re investing in your growth and we know that real progress takes real commitment. If you can carve out one hour per week for the live programming and an additional 30-60  minutes per week to engage and share your progress, that would be ideal to get the most out of the program. 

  • It’s a little like going to the gym. The more you put in, the more you get out. But, it’s also like having a personal trainer who knows how to keep you accountable, motivated, and committed. 

    Well … when you put it like that … how could I NOT at least TRY it? →

  • If you’ve met Grace before, you know that once she knows you and your commitment, she’s always on your team. Membership to The Hivery Momentum Lab automatically renews.

  • When we welcome you into The Hivery Momentum Lab, you’ll have instant access to a decade of resources, guides, toolkits, classes, and more. We don’t hold anything back. Therefore, we can’t offer refunds. We’re looking for people who are 100% committed to their growth (aka we’re weary of flakes who pop in and out, never willing to go all in on making progress). If you’re 100% committed to creating your next chapter with Grace and The Hivery by your side, we want you with us

  • First of all, everyone needs to be treating their work like their business. We help creatives, writers, and artists finally charge what they’re worth and get the visibility and marketing support to create a viable business. If you’re a creative, you’re an entrepreneur and we want to help you get clear, organized, and paid!

  • The earlier you get going on asking for help, clarifying what you’re building with structure, and gaining accountability to make it happen, the more likely you are to follow through. It will take you so much longer if you try to figure it out yourself and I can promise you (trust me, I tried) that you won’t find all the answers in that pile of books on your nightstand or the hundreds of podcasts you have in the queue. That’s the overwhelming way. The Hivery Momentum Lab is the growth way. 

    I may just be getting started, but I want to make things HAPPEN—let’s do this.

All the way down here and we didn’t answer your question?

Just email us at [email protected], and someone (maybe me!) from the team will get back to you to help you decide. We are here for you and don’t want indecision to get in your way. 



most flexible


per month

✨ most popular ✨


for 6 months


join in September to receive

a FREE 30-minute 1:1 mentorship session with Grace!




Don’t Create Your Next Chapter Alone. 

© 2024 The Hivery