Lessons From the Coffee Shop

I started a practice last year where I have at least one breakfast, coffee, or lunch date each week with someone that fuels my creative energy, sparks new ideas, and inspires me.

I call it my "inspiration date" and it's been a game-changer. It's fun to go into a meeting knowing that they're my inspiring person that week. Some weeks I end up with 2 or 3 coffees or lunch dates that meet my inspiring person quota. That's a cup-filling week.

Yesterday, I had two in one day! And, in both conversations, confidence came up as a central theme. In my morning coffee, I confessed that I often feel uncertain, unanchored, and sometimes downright scared about the work that I'm creating. It doesn't mean that I don't love it or know that it's the path for me, but I can certainly feel unsure. We both cracked up when I told her that I perceive her as having the same confidence that she assumed I had. It was a relief to share the specifics of our dips in confidence.

I left our coffee date feeling connected in our shared vulnerability and inspired by our mutual belief in the other one. 

Later in the day at an afternoon meeting, I told the story of meeting a woman who had every academic credential from the most prestigious places. She was so brilliant that I felt my insecurities creep in when she wanted to schedule a coaching session with me. She taught me a lesson that I'll never forget when she closed the door to my office, with tears instantly pooling in her eyes, confessing that she had completely lost her confidence.

Even her. Even me. And maybe, even you?

I have done a ton of personal reflection on the tools that help me get grounded and centered when I'm feeling low. I use the power of journaling, mindset, visualizations, and creating sacred space to get back in flow.

I want to share the tools that work for me in hopes that they're helpful to you or someone you care about.

Knowing that our confidence will ebb and flow, especially as we push ourselves to go into our deeper layers of expression, I am beyond grateful that I have found tools to help me through the valleys. 

I created this free workbook "You're More Ready Than You Think: A Hivery Handbook for Uncertain Times" just for those times that you need a boost, a dash of clarity, and some encouragement to recommit to what you've always wanted to do.

I want you to have these FIVE practices in your back pocket for any time that life takes the wind out of your sails and tries to tell you that you can’t do your meaningful work.

My wish for you is that when your confidence is low that you turn to practices that re-center you, instead of giving up on your business, your art, your project, or your book. Your inner critic is not your tour guide on this journey. Your heart is. Your brilliance is. Your hard-earned wisdom is.

This book is your go-to guide for getting your confidence back when it goes astray.

 Check it out and please feel free to forward this email to someone else who needs a boost right now. It's completely free and is a gift from me to you. 

You can do this, and I’m here to help. Enjoy the book!



P.S. For those of us stuck inside in chilly temperatures or rainy days over the weekend, this workbook would be the perfect way to cozy up with a cuppa' tea and have some thoughtful reflection and journaling time. Hope you enjoy it! 


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