
The Hivery Marketplace

Looking to hire or buy from a values-based business, coach, artist, or consultant?

This is your opportunity to discover, shop & support The Hivery member community’s businesses, products and services, 24/7 on our website.

Click the button above and we’ll email you your exclusive invitation to The Hivery Marketplace!

A Treasure Trove of Hivery Talent

Ready to find your next photographer, writer, coach, consultant, website designer, keynote speaker, or womxn-owned product biz?

Enter your email address and we’ll email you the link and password for The Hivery Marketplace, our showcase of Hivery members and their work.

Our Members Have the Skills You’re Looking For!

Ready to check out The Hivery talent?


Want to see your business here?

Join our Hivery Membership and we will be right by your side to grow your business, your revenue, your momentum, and your visibility.

And, you’ll get a snazzy listing in our Marketplace to showcase your work. Join us today, starting at $47/month for our digital membership, with Bay Area coworking options if you need it.