Top 10 commitments for 2021


And we are back! Our first week in the New Year. We made it. :)

I took a delicious two week break with my family and even powered my laptop ALL THE WAY OFF for a bit. 

After some thoughtful spaciousness, here are my top 10 musings and commitments for this upcoming year.

With this beautiful community by my side, I commit to the following:

1. Be intentional with time and energy. Put it where it matters. Skip the things that don’t. My inbox will never be clean, but my pen will touch my journal each day.


2. Use what we’ve learned. Grief, tenacity, the unexpected….those are important teachers and guides. We bring them with us as angels that whisper in our ear when we need a reminder of the depth of our wisdom. Lessons can hurt, but they don’t leave us. We pack them in our toolbox and bring them along on the adventure.


3. There’s no such thing as being ready. You’re ready, already (and so am I). You’ve already taken the first steps toward being who you really are, simply by getting out of bed this morning. You don’t need more validation or permission to do that.


4. This is the year to focus on our mediums of expression. How will you find your voice and make it wholly and fully yours? Write, dance, play with clay, get out some markers. What do you have to say?


5. Let’s not be precious or superficial, okay? Life isn’t an Instagram feed. Life is bumpy and doesn’t always wear makeup. Life is unfiltered and hasn’t had a haircut. Let’s be real with ourselves and each other.


6. You’re the only you. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. No one (I mean, seriously no one) has your special and unique mix of skills, knowledge, pain, wisdom, strength, life-lessons, etc. You’re the only one who can do it like you. This is the truth that made me start The Hivery in the first place. I am constantly stunned by the unique potential in every, single human being.


7. On a similar note, don’t worry about everyone else. Comparison is soul-crushing. And back to note #5, don’t compare your real life with someone else’s Instagram filter.


8. Less hustle. More intention. I’m running my business like a ballet class this year. Start consistently at the barre with plies and build strength from there. It’s not about muscling our way through or making it to the finish line first. It’s about committing to the practices that align with our values. What practice can you commit to? How can you slow down to grow?


9. Kindness is still the light, the key, the only way. We are still on the roller coaster. The only way through this is if we’re kind to each other. Getting cranky, competitive, or self-centered won’t help us grow. Give up the parking space. Send the love note.


10. A sense of belonging is like food and water. Feeling accepted for who you are as you are is your birthright. And the power of reciprocity in helping others feel that sense of belonging is mind-boggling and limitless. Pay it forward.


I’m here. With you. Along for the journey and adventure. Excited about what we can create and make happen together. 2021. Let’s do this.




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