Double down? Or back to bed?

Isn't it curious how we tend to stray from the very things we need the most during hard times? And, that it's hardest to make time for the things we actually love to do?

I've been particularly surprised by my urge to ignore or procrastinate on the very rituals that reduce my stress, right when I need them the most.

As I sit at my kitchen table, writing to you, it surprised me to hear my inner-voice whisper, "We need to double-down."

"Huh? Double-down?" my inner-voice replied. "No way...I'm exhausted!!!"

"Yes, Grace. Double-down. Take care. Take it easy. And actually DO the things that help you do that."

Double-down on meditation.

Double-down on nourishing food.

Double-down on writing (hence this new blog post).

Double-down on rituals of spirit like candle-lighting, gratitude, and creative work.

Double-down on acts of kindness. A phone call. A love note. Supporting those in need or who are being treated unfairly.

Double-down on what matters; lighten up on the things that don't.


When we double-down on the very actions that replenish us, we not only create an internal light to navigate dark times, but we refuel our energies to be of service to others. And wow, is this a time for lending a hand.

We're all worn out. We're grieving. We're feeling the loss, not just as individuals, but as a collective, as a humanity. And yet it's now that we will get our energy from our actions. Not muscled, outward actions, but thoughtful, mindful actions that then allow us to pay energy forward.

Stephen Pressfield (author of one of my favorite books, The War of Art) says it best, "Put your ass where your heart is"...meaning, if you are a painter, you must sit down to paint, a musician must sit down to play, a dancer must dance... I'm taking that advice very seriously.

My heart needs calm, love, and time. My heart needs to write. My heart needs to sit. My heart needs to meditate. My heart needs to let go of worry, just for a moment. My heart needs to rest. My heart needs to dance. And so I take Stephen Pressfield's advice and invite my ass to do the same :)

And when my heart is full, the love can pour out. And flow into work. And flow into service. And flow into impact. Not forced or pressured, but with thought and soul.

My plan for the weekend is to stay inside (due to the air), write, watch (okay, fine...binge) The Home Edit on Netflix, and reenergize so that I can keep spreading my gifts and love. I wish you the space, lightness, energy, and calm to do the same. Put your oxygen masks on, my friends (literally and metaphorically) so we can keep going together.

Sending love,



The Morning Routine Turns to Soup


Our Commitment